29 May 2008

in a postscript way

It's really stunning. I was only at half way of it, and already fell for it, and i'm gonna finish it tonight. Oh, i'm talking about 'P.S. I love you'. it's as sweet as a caramel dunked double choc icing cream donut, okay, maybe it's too much, but it's really beautifully written. I'm not a fan of romance movie, but a nice piece written romance drama can be a nice getaway. Lisa Kudrow was in it too, she's still as funny as the old Phoebe. She has the thing to make me laugh without even start talking. She taught a brilliant way to start a relationship in the movie, all you need is just 3 simple question and a kiss, Are you single? Are you gay? Are you working? And a friendly kiss. I almost drop my jaw. Oh, Irish men, it just makes me would hit any of 'em. See what Mr. Mountain Water has what to say bout them.

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