09 February 2009

happy cny 2009

Still can make it since today is the last day of this year cny. Wow, i've been so left out from the blogging world for so long. This thingy has been fading off, if the last post was a milestone for me, then carry on for the next 1 is difficult.
I'm still fucked up with my love life. Work is still busy, but fortunately it's in a different way. How should i say this, i'm actually still doing what i was doing, but at the same time, i'm learning and working on something new, totally new for me, and i have so much fun doing it. I'm supposed to be more busy than i was, because beside working on my own job, i have to occupy extra time for my extra new job scoop. It's hell busy, but at least i know what i'm doing, and i'm enjoy doing, hopefully soon i'll be all on this, and fuck the old job position.


the ugly submarine said...

Busy is always good. Love life? Who needs them?!! :P

ben said...

Thanks, honey, i love you too.